
The Housing and Development Working Group was officially chartered on 9/19/2017.

Get Involved With SV DSA Housing!

The Silicon Valley DSA Housing Working Group is organizing for housing as a human right. For us, the way to this goal involves both organizing as tenants to build direct power in our communities as well as proposing and advocating for policies that improve material conditions for everyone affected by the housing crisis. We want to shift power away from landlords and developers and live in a world where housing is for people not for profit. 🏘✊

We are always looking for more people to get involved,  and if you are interested or just curious, feel free to stop by a meeting or event! 👋 The group meets twice monthly to plan our activities, usually on the first Monday and third Wednesday of each month, see our calendar for details!

If you would like to know more, please let us know! Join our Slack or message us at housing (at) siliconvalleydsa (dot) org for more information.


As members of Silicon Valley DSA, we propose the creation of a

  1. Housing Working Group,
  2. which would report to the Silicon Valley DSA Chapter.
  3. The Housing Working Group will work to:
    • Make housing a human right.
    • House the unhoused.
    • Achieve environmentally sustainable development of transportation, housing, schools, and other forms of public infrastructure.
    • End displacement.
    • Promote policies to allow anyone regardless of class, race, and identity to access housing, education, schools, and other forms of public infrastructure.
    • Abolish private profit from the ownership of land.
  4. using these initial strategies:
    • Organize together as tenants—including by creating and developing tenant unions, assemblies, and councils—to build community, tenant power, and leverage over landlords and political decision-makers.
    • Work with local tenant advocacy groups and homeless advocacy groups.
    • Defend existing tenants’ rights and advocate for stronger tenant protections.
    • Develop and advocate programs to make material improvements for tenants, including housing trusts, land trusts, social housing, low-income affordable housing, land value taxes, the repeal of Proposition 13, and the expansion and enforcement of fair housing.
    • Educate ourselves and the broader public about socialist housing, transit, and urban infrastructure policies and organizing strategies.
    • Directly serve the unhoused, and advocate for permanent supportive housing, an end to abatements, and freedom to roam.
  5. to last until the above objectives are met.
  6. We anticipate that we will need to spend no special allotment of funds other than for meeting space and incidental expenses such as printing.
  7. Membership is open to all Silicon Valley DSA members.